Life at the center of Business

Pick the low hanging fruit.

Through the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, and other State, local, and utility incentives, renewable energy and energy efficiency projects are more profitable than ever. We provide holistic consulting to identify the right projects, document and qualify for tax incentives and grants, develop RFPs to select the right partners, and manage the projects through completion.  

Inflation Reduction Act Consulting Services

Plant the seeds.

Identify the opportunities to create life on the land and water that you steward. Through regenerative practices, your business can protect natural resources, create habitat for beautiful biodiversity, sequester tons of carbon, and contribute to life in your bioregion. Often these projects can be completed for less money than current landscaping or capital improvement budgets, creating life through your business in cost-effective ways while helping you tell an authentic environmental story. Click here to learn more.

Regenerative Consulting Services